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The Missing elements of magick

Hey there sinners
it’s adam knox and welcome to another episode of the cult of you
i find today’s subject to be quintessential it is one of the more important ideas in occult philosophy today and i say that especially in the interesting times that we live in and all the strange behavior and activities that i’ve seen in different communities i see that there is a flaw a very unhealthy flaw and it is the missing elements quite frankly inside of the magical development traditionally we’ve all known four specific elements of earth air fire and water these culminating or connecting with the essence of them all which is spirit we’ve seen this in the norm normal wicker traditions we’ve seen it in the old magical traditions we’ve seen it in the watchtowers of inoki and the rouhani and spirits of the east and across many other pantheon there’s variants of it in the east and in west but there’s a missing key it seems when i look across these patterns of a behavior that is quite evident that seems to be blocking or preventing progress and also it is in my opinion the fundamental cause behind all the foolish misinterpretations of the path as well as the downfall of many practitioners and groups today i want to open up the elemental gates a little bit and i want you to understand its methodology and its secret psychology so that you have a measurements instrument by which you cannot only evaluate teachers and practitioners but a clear roadmap for yourself and understanding this most profound mystery and how to achieve success and mastery inside of your own life not only in your craft but in life in general for now i’m adam knox sit back and enjoy today’s episode and remember to live deliciously [Music] [Music] yeah it’s a beautiful morning as i sit and i look through my windows out of the garden you know this soft rain falling i can see the grass almost slowly starting to renew itself winter has passed us here in the southern tip of africa and i can see that beautiful passing of the one season and the emergence of the next and i’m reminded about how the ancients used to celebrate these four fundamental seasons we see it expanded in the eightfold wheel but there the equinoxes and the solstices have always been a very profound part of our history different religions trying to take over coupling their traditions or their celebrations in conjunction with that as a way to kind of appease the old people and bring about political harmony but the ancients always believed and lots of the magicians did that we needed to practice these methods in order to align ourselves and bring us closer to nature i’m reminded of the traditional celebration or the attunement to the lord of the to the travels of the sun through its four different stages a practice common in thalemic traditions as well as in systems of the connected to the golden dawn and other forms of modern magic so to speak now these attunements were very interesting they are very accurate to the four kind of stages very much experienced inside of life but the place that this four stage manifestation was more common for occultism practitioners was in the arena of the four elements earth air fire and water many books have been written on the subjects and i’m planning on interviewing some of those authors on the show as well but the practice has always fallen into the beautiful and mystical and magical dimension of the elements everything from learning to move or manipulate fire connect with the energy of water tune into the out to the sulfs in the air and now don’t get me wrong there is a place for the magical dimension the mystical dimension to it and i’m not going to discuss here the full intricate details of that because quite frankly i’ve produced a course that spans over two years the to kind of discuss the details of that where those ideas come from what they mean now i want to discuss the practical application of this because one of the things that i am uh an advocate of is the practice of responsible occultism and where this really makes more sense is if we move past the you know general environmental we move beyond even the quantum mechanical and we move on beyond even the physical and we move into the place that it is the most relevant in terms of our life now i spoke about in the philosophy of integral sacrifice the stages of consciousness and individuals at will impact the interpretation of the data how they move from the mythical and magical thinking levels to the more integral thinking stages and there’s a beautiful philosophy from joseph campbell that i’ve highlighted before every religion is true in that the symbolism is true today i want to just look a bit into the symbolism of elemental magic and the psychology behind it because i find it is the single most misunderstood idea i see that because if we look at traditions like even the hermetic order of the golden dawn beyond the neophyte grade the first initiations are through the elemental degrees this is often something that most practitioners consider to be a preliminary stepping stone on the way to the wonderful grade of adapters minor and this major it is also commonly seen in many of the other traditions just oh the you know natural part you’ve got to open the circle or you just gotta call the quarters just for protection and that’s kind of where the thought is left many people don’t fully appreciate the power of the elemental dimension or the full map of its psychology and how this is in fact the most important idea in the entire spectrum of occultism and allow me to illustrate if we look at the mapping of the zodiac upon the hex upon the symbol that has been perverted by the nazi traditions as the swastika its original meaning symbolized very much the zodiac and the sun and then the four elements inside of the four corners it’s not the only map that indicates that but in essence the symbolism is common across the traditions we see the planets in certain ones we see the zodiac mapping around this but they all culminate in their points of manifestation as the four elements there are a number of psychologies and disciplines that map around these same four elements for example one of the ones that i teach that the articulation of a magical result needs to move through all four elements in other words we first need to have an intellectual or mental understanding of the subject matter or we need to have information or data error only once we’ve got the information of data then we can act upon it aka fire in other words taking action now we may not feel like in the moment of it but the more you do it the more you get a feeling for it because eventually it starts to align water you know by constantly hammering the stone as moses and the example of the bible the gush of water comes out and that nourishes that sustains the life that gives us the emotional fuel to get to the next level and once we get to the next level then only then without water nourishing the old earth or breaking away the old earth now suddenly the new earth is revealed new life springs fall from the old earth in other words that’s the moment that the biology or the neurology inside of our brain has actually shifted and then and only then have we actually made the complete change so while you’re out there trying to tell yourself i’m wonderful i’m wonderful or i’m i’m good at meeting people but you’re not acting by going out and actually meeting people you’re literally just deluding yourself and this is actually further explored in the psychology of the elements and you see i raise this because i see this in the forbes and i see it in the communities i see the unhealthy or shadow side of the elements and i want to make this practical for you to understand given modern psychology has provided us with many maps to reference this and the map i’d like to talk about is that by robert moore author of king warrior magician lover the king warrior magician lover philosophy was very popularized in the male development movement because it described what it meant to be a mature man i have a bit of a disagreement inside of it and even though there are some of these expressions as it’s described that are very masculine in their you know philosophy i believe that the overarching frame of it being purely masculine is a patriarchal view in my personal point of view these are simply the psychological manifestations of the four elements within everyone’s psyche including men and women your sexual preference or your born gender has very little to do with those quintessential aspects of the element a woman is just as capable of being a queen and in fact part of the problem in our society is women that are always looking for the king to save them to lead them and guide them now there are stages of development where the ego needs to learn to submit to the higher self and that progression but that’s not the point of our discussion today but please know that when i do discuss this i am aware of those stages and they’re very well described in another archetype of the four stages of the feminine which is really the stages of our own development we see this in the maiden mother crone which are the stages the development of the subconscious of that psyche or that portion of the psyche are our feminine self so to speak by that interpretation but now if we look at the interpretation of these four elements let’s explore them for a quick bit and while we do i want you to think about different you know people out there publishing material people out there in the communities causing errors and mistakes and sometimes even criminal behavior because let’s be honest that kind of behavior is common to most traditions and it’s it’s an unfortunate issue of mankind it’s not unique to one system or another however i would like to point out that sometimes mental instability can be more common with practitioners of the occult and the reason for that is not the occult the reason for that is the point of entry you see traditionally when someone entered the mystical traditions you entered through a process of advanced initiation or some type of preparatory system where somebody guided you you didn’t just you know pick up a bunch of books that had no direct connection and had a foundation missing at barnes noble or at exclusive books and i certainly considered yourself a practitioner of the me of the ancient ways you know i always find the deep call of identity so unique when those people themselves misunderstand the nature of identity itself the magical precision is the systematic unfolding of the self it’s the stripping away of the illusion of selfless false identity to abstract the qualities behind it and systemically learn to integrate evolve and develop those things a very difficult task for an individual that refuses to look inside one of my old spiritual teachers used to say to me go within or go without the statement is as true then as it is today but the problem is that most people don’t understand it most people enter the craft and enter magical traditions and they go oh i’m going to pick up a grimoire on the goisha because that’s trending right now and then i’m going to just conjure this entity because apparently this one can solve my relationship problems or it can solve my money problems or it can do that what you’re doing is a violation of the fundamental spiritual principles behind these traditions that individual is chasing in other words you’re going and actively saying vibrationally that you lack happiness joy love money whatever the state is but if that thing that portion that force that entity that spell that which can give it to you then you’ll be happy the very laws of nature the very laws of attraction the very laws of vibration are in violation by that and it assures that you will not get it in fact you may even attract an experience or manifestation that will then end up pushing the actual objective further away because you’re reinforcing the hallucination that’s not how it works there’s a process of initiation that was applied in the teachings because the practitioner would go from systemically seeing themselves as someone that’s defined by the world someone that is that way and then going oh wait i’m not that i’m actually this thing that i’m after you see the process of initiation has always been the process of the systemic death or separation of your perceived limited self by the resolution of those components and the representation of them through the act or the process of ritual and then the reintegration by them by the changing of meaning again changing of meaning a deep label is one of the foundations of magic in doing so the practitioner converts their self-concept from being the victim or the subject of the servant of reality to being the essence of the thing that they seek you see if i am constantly going oh i want a beautiful girl in my life and when i find a beautiful girl i will be exuberantly happy uh yes if only if only i had that and then i’m chasing you know i’m chasing the girl and firstly if i’m always the one chasing and i’m it may be attractive in the first little bit if i already am an attractive individual it’s flattering that this attractive person is now you know fond of me but then very very quickly in the dynamic of the relationship it fails because that person realizes you are so in need of them at some level and that being in need of them at that level actively makes them feel like there’s too much pressure like they’re not suddenly responsible for your emotional well-being and as such they will start pulling away because that responsibility becomes painful and it’s also not their responsibility it is your responsibility to manage and that then creates patterns that we end up manifesting in size of others we recreate them because that relationship didn’t work and we manifest the other one you see ultimately we keep playing out our own game and the magi the true magi sees this you know i see another example of this and now let’s talk about how this manifests and how this relates to the elements i see a lot of practitioners of people out there that try to make a reputation for themselves by ripping off other practitioners you know and that’s cute quite frankly that’s all i can say about it because if any individual has actually studied the mechanisms of what makes up this path if you’ve studied kabbalah if you’ve looked at the degree of life for any extent of purpose if you’ve studied the psychology around these things if you’ve truly dedicated to this buff in other words if you actually are an initiate of the mysteries then you know and any one of us knows that this is simply a manifestation of the shadow elements that is a manifestation of the shadow kingdom of the shadow manifestations of these freudian archetypes let me give you an example we have earth air fire and water now these broken down into their corresponding freudian archetypes are very simple to understand air is the magician the magician has a healthy or mature and an unhealthy or immature aspect uh an immature manifestation of the magician is all the kids that jumped on the nlp bandwagon and will jump onto quick aspects of magic and they’re looking for all these information because they almost want to trick their way into people’s lives or trick their way in to get it they want to be seen as oh so clever and it’s sweet and it’s manipulative because usually what happens is this person’s very weakly integrated they can’t just ask for what they want you know you often find them disguising themselves under good intention and they can’t give you their ask because they’re not as congruent with that you know they’re very intelligent they’re very smart they can you know rattle out a lot of facts and ideas but it’s not evident inside of their life you know and that’s you know there’s an old classic term for it in there called the armchair occultist and it’s someone that speaks all the stuff but doesn’t actually practice it doesn’t actually live it and then we see the mature version of that which is the shaman you know the shaman that actually doesn’t care about the reputation but they just go and do the work one of the things i learned early on was that all this knowledge was was great and but it meant nothing unless it was practical so i stepped away from teaching i walked away from platforms i opened nightclubs i opened businesses i went and lived a pretty exotic life by many people’s standards because i wanted to apply these things and taste it if you’re not doing that if you’re out in forums trying to correct everybody instead of just actually doing these things in your life you know that’s a very clear example we’ve all seen it now we can look at the the next one fire and then fire we can look at the warrior which is you know what we have in the mature and in the immature we have the hero and what’s the euro you know there’s an old tlc song scrub i think the scrub is a great example because it was this guy that you know is always trying to like talk about how fly he is and how amazing he is how wonderful he is um and you know you can even get that in the manifestations of the bully you know the one that’s always trying to like attack everybody and is looking for a fight and somebody that’s just actually when push comes to shove can’t survive the real battles of life you know because they’re the ones that overtly emotionally express themselves when there’s some small drama when they get when they get dumped in a relationship they now suddenly start stalking and harassing that person um you know they they’re abusive in certain tones sometimes even physically this is a sick version it’s the unhealthy manifestation of the fire element it’s the immature whereas the mature is the one that stops trying to fight everybody out there that actually starts fighting the real enemy themselves and overcomes themselves you don’t see the true martial arts master bragging to everybody about how he’s going to mess this person up and mess that person up no because he doesn’t have to prove it to others because he’s proven it to him or him or herself then we have the lovers you know the lover which is the water element is very much it’s the artist it’s the creative it can be very charismatic and it’s immature you know it’s the new tantric right you see it very often in the spiritual stuff um it’s that it’s the person that kind of gets into tantra into sacred sexuality really because they want to get laid and i mean it’s disgusting it’s okay i mean when you’re young and you’re still kind of learning it’s it’s normal to try and validate yourself in kind of unique ways until you until you have the integrity and the charisma properly to actively communicate your desires and be unapologetic inside of them because you’ve come to a place inside of yourself where you see the merit of yourself where you see your value you have trust in yourself and because you have trust in yourself other people can have trust in you because they they don’t feel that weird vibe they don’t feel that oh something’s off here because the communication is incongruent you have the matured lover you know because the immature lover will move and i’ve been there i mean this is part of growing up you know i was at a stage where i just hurt girls as hard because i was trying to meet some unknown need of myself a mother complex or something that i couldn’t fulfill or a goddess projection and we’ll speak about that in a moment but it’s these projections that we place they’re parts of ourselves they’re our own elements fragmented inside of others and it’s painful and took me a lot it took me a lot of pain to get to a point where i realized what am i chasing until i could realize that the beauty i was really looking for was not inside of some woman or some you know if you’re a woman it’s not inside of some man but you know sometimes the dynamic of the search is different the point was that it took me a lot of pain took me finding my soul mate and then being betrayed by her you know it took me finding another soul mate and then being betrayed by her to play that you know almost judas jesus journey out over and over again until i realized i was betraying the beauty that i truly saw which was the expression the full authentic expression of my own heart because i realized that when i was actually in love it was beautiful it wasn’t beautiful because how the person looked or the place looked or anything like that it was beautiful because where i was able to go emotionally and what state of consciousness or quality of experience i was able to have and it was when i had that realization i was like oh wow and i stopped chasing i stopped needing new lovers and then only then could i become an authentic lover i could recognize the nature of my sexuality the nature of my interest was not really that monogamous it was more polyamorous but that didn’t mean i needed to sleep around or have multiple lovers it simply meant that i had to be authentic when i felt love and i needed to be true to that kind of love but i also needed to recognize needing myself to love myself first and that became the most beautiful romantic adventure of my life was the adventure of love of myself i became a lover unto my own heart and this is and i’m not saying i’m mature or enlightened like that don’t get me wrong i am filled with flaws you know as all of us are and you may be perfect right now and some event may happen and it may trigger a childhood thing that you weren’t aware of you know in the principle of artist medicine the soul being its own savior we do these works we do these paintings we do these stuff because we’re very rarely conscious of the unconscious story or narrative we’re holding so i’m not taking a dis out to those you know consistent practitioners of the lit empath and those newbies kind of starting up they’re missing out both in our tradition and every other tradition right hand middleweight you know business you name it they’re all there it’s part of this the human condition it’s not exclusive to one of the parts magic’s just had a map for it and for most people they didn’t understand the map because many of the traditions accessed this data from the higher dimensions but they didn’t fully articulate it so they used the maps and the models that they did you know have available to them which was seated mythology but they didn’t have the full understandings of these things that we’ve now received you know as a global community and that then brings us then to you know the next one which is earth and that is the king or queen essentially the sovereign you see and i kind of save this one for last because there’s many approaches to this but i find that sometimes you have to work through the others before you can truly truly take ownership of the king or queen and one of the kind of ways that this manifests in the unhealthy is the um robert moore referred to it as the high chair tyrant it’s the it’s the child that never honestly grew up and we see it more commonly in males yes because oftentimes when we refer to this as well as the red dragon complex the child was their mother tend to protect them you know this was always the case for mom right mom wanted to protect her little boy and sometimes even her little girl but mugs their little boy in certain cases from the big bad world and as sweet and as kind and as good as that may be as an intention the problem that occurs is that the child then the boy doesn’t grow up to take responsibility in full and it often takes some kind of traumatic event where they’ve lost their parent they’ve lost everything and they have no choice but to rely on themselves because there’s no one there to save them we see this manifesting in different religions and different traditions where people and we see it very strong in the left-hand path where people want to give that power away to other manifestations deities spirits entities jesus buddha you know payment satan or whatever your projection is that you want to take the responsibility off of your shoulder and give it to someone else to carry your burden and that in and of itself is then supported by uh the monster you know the monster that sees itself as greater than everything so at the same time there’s there’s it wants an inability to take total accountability and responsibility and then there’s this grandiosity of like how great and wonderful i am and how everything should be mine and you know bow to me subjects kind of a thing and you see that very evidently in how many people communicate on forums and how people are doing their interactions and you see that very actively in many aspects of the community people will make these claims but they’re only you know they’ve worked with this entity if you work with that power you see you know then you’re gonna get the answers and all your power all your dreams come true and you have your empire it’s just one drop of blood it’s deluded you know let’s be honest because here’s your measuring stick look at their lives you know are they running great businesses are they succeeding in relationships now there is naturally a process to learning and just discussion but taste the quality of the ideas you know what other aspects has this person mapped themselves into because here is the mystery through we talk about clairvoyance we talk about becoming a pure medium so a pure medium or a clairvoyant is somebody who sees clearly in other words someone who sees beyond these projections of the elemental self in the world someone who’s matured the elemental self in such a way that it can actually operate in the world and be the vehicle through which these other planets and these other zodiac dimensions are able to manifest one’s true will upon the earth so that’s very evident then if the individual is not there psychologically when they run and sit in our side of that circle and they’re channeling an entity they’re trying to get out of their way and they’re trying to get to that person is a very advanced and trans very skilled and they are very able to demonstrate with magical results in their life then maybe they can gain access but most of the time when that information comes through there’s a degree of normal awareness from that individual that information is going to be filtered through their system filtered through their beliefs and their ideas and they’re going to give you for their version of a bit of information this is one of the main reasons why we get similar messages with all these different kind of rules and attributes around them you know if a person comes from a tradition that’s very um very eclectic the message will be very eclectic if they’re very norse in their views it’ll be very norse if it’s very ceremonial be very ceremonial in the same level if they’re very scientific the data will be very scientific depending on the construct of the individual’s new nervous system and their modern perception of reality that is the filter through which this information comes down at you and if there are biases and complexities and projections inside of that it will come through as well and part of the thing so take all information with a grain of salt test the ideas but understand that your interpretation is also dependent upon where you are in your maturity of these things now this goes a lot deeper way too deep for us to discuss here and if this is a subject that you find interesting i i suggest you pick up the book by robert moore kingwood magician lover or you take a course like mine or there’s many others out there that teaches you not only this but i also break it down and i show the exact relationship between the attachment wounds and attachment theory so you can go into the specific aspects where these parts are corrupt and what healing needs to take place so that you can develop a mature attachment style a secure attachment style which is really a matured earth in that essence a healthy functional king or queen you see because the maturing of the king or queen is the ability to shall we say channel and manage and overcome one’s own grandiosity it’s the recognition of where you really are in comparison to where you perceive yourself to be and then actively doing the work of bringing these two together and destroying the delusions the the aspects that aren’t founded inside of reality because that not found inside of reality is what makes many people disconnect from their molecules from their reality and then go and inflate the ideas proposed inside of the magical arts now am i saying that all of this is psychological no i am saying however that the psychology is the essential part for you to get to the next stage because if not you’re going to be filtering the data and never experiencing the truth crowley psychologists everyone across the board has spoken so excessively about how our system is very much designed to protect us from perceiving the fullness of reality and as a practitioner of the path i can tell you very much that in one point in my initiation when i started experiencing true reality it was it was a painful experience it’s not something your nervous system is going to be able to handle in full blast in the beginning it takes time to edge away at the inner eye and so slowly and systemically open after those stages and that’s why we use the metaphor of the eye opening and closing because and we have all these methods because to come to a space to perceive true reality and to function in the hologram that we’ve consensively agreed to create together is a difficult one to do but if you want to get to a space where you’re progressing truly and ascending up the tree of life and the tree of death and in fact understand you must first ascend up the tree of life in my point of view before you’re stable enough in order to fully work through the tree of drift death in a healthy and functional way practice responsible occultism forget you know different authors buy all the grammars and all the books that you wanted but understand the method of magic success is inside of following this progression and mastering it in fact if you master these things you’ll have the vehicle this is why the elements are the foundation because they are the vehicle by which we manifest our will if you have an unhealthy vehicle you haven’t done some of the work you’ve underdeveloped some of your archetypes it’s not going to manifest quickly because you’re not going to have the vehicle you could have an intention that says oh i want to meet new people and if you’ve developed those archetypes it’s immediate you can step out right now and you’ll have the personality vehicle established that you can not only go and meet people but it’ll be perfect and they’ll love you immediately because they can see oh you’re resonant or you can have those things dysfunction and you can go and do the same thing and they’ll be like wait i like him but there’s a weird vibe and then you end up having to go on a journey and find someone a different situation it just you add to the degree of complexity on how your item can manifest if you do not walk this path congruently it is only once you really do that that you can manifest that now again this is not the only way you know if we look at the aspect of martial arts a person can practice every day inside of the martial arts and remain an idiot or an and still be able to fight but the same thing is true for somebody that’s also like a bodybuilder you know there’s two guys that can step into a gym the one has just never done any work and they just keep pushing and they progress same in money same in business so it is possible to progress if you just dedicate yourself but those things are always diluted in some way notice how they’re you know they might be good in that area but their relationships are bombed out or they might be good in one and then their health is bombed out there’s always a cost they’re always paying for it at an unhealthy level because it’s not sustainable their approach and as such those people might be big for a short period but they break and they lose the race in the long term you know the old metaphorical story of the jackal in the uh of the of the tortoise in the hair now i’m not saying slow and steady it’s not fast either it’s about going about this correctly because here’s the final part of the mystery if you don’t go about this correctly you will not make it through the old phrase you know it’s easier for a camel to get through the eye and they’ll know there’s more to that method but the fact is that the journey up the tree of life becomes more perilous the more you go and if you have not established a healthy strong foundation you may crack when you progress many years i decided not to teach any of these things in a public forum because i thought that the practice and the process is so difficult and needs such high attention and high work that it can only be done successfully inside of an initiatory structure however it was only because of friends and people highlighting to me the misinformation that is out there that i made the active decision to start sharing these videos and launch the cult of you so that i could at least help add to the conversation by making people realize your wisdom or your path to mystery is not just through the grimoire or not just through some spell or ritual that’s all a lie those are the end results of understanding the inner dynamics and getting yourself to the place where you are an active and conscious magician and not some unconscious being being ridden by these unconscious impulses of yourself because someone like that is nothing but a slave to the parasites instead of that i recommend that you understand the principle of the old golden dawn was secretionary ritual i am the exorcist in the midst of the exorcism and when you look at the world outside of you and you see things that you don’t like ask yourself which of your elements are you projecting and then go research the healthy manifestations of these archetypes and they are not necessarily just in the elements they could be in business they could be in world leadership they could be in communication find representatives find role models that show you these things and study them and trust me by studying those individuals you will make a lot more progress a lot quicker than several hours of sitting in some ritual doing some imaginary exercise that you don’t have a full attunement to and you don’t know the full history behind it’s important i’m not saying stop your ritual by all means progress in your ritual but understand that true elemental mastery which is the foundation of mature sexuality and as such the essence behind any form of spiritual and magical magnetism is quintessentially far greater than simply the ritual component it is all of that is simply the air elemental manifestations and unless you’re applying all four elements there is going to be unhealthy manifestations because the word disease is simply that a dis ease of the energy system and of the flow whether that disease they manifest is psychological is mental illness or it manifests physical illness or many faces disruption in your life that is the evidence point that you are out of harmony you need to get back on course by discovering the fifth element your your purpose live your purpose follow your truth but work through the material so you can get beyond delusions and get to your true core and then and only then when you understand the true essence of the statement do as thy wilt shall be the whole of the law i’m adam knox and thank you for joining me for this episode and i will see you in the next one and remember to live deliciously i’ve always felt a little different a little uneasy between regular a bit of a dreamer a lost cause a little non-ordinary some would say i think i’ve always just been this way my mother said i was special my father thought i should be feared but i knew that witchcraft coursed through my veins the first time i tasted the lips of the goddess inside the right yes i’m a witch it’s true and sure we are the ones who believe in the beauty of nature who believe in the things science absent of art cannot explain who instead of religion would have romance and sure you may think we have lost our way when in the world of predictable things we have such unfamiliar things that we would like to say but maybe in a world so cold and alone a little unfamiliar is exactly what is needed to show us the way home


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